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The basic session times, operating close to  school terms, are Mon-Fri, 9am-12 noon with opportunities for extended hours to include lunch and extra play on certain days, as follows:

Session Fees

We issue invoices shortly after the start of each term. These should be paid within two weeks of receipt. If this would cause you financial hardship we are happy to consider staged payments as long as these are agreed with us in advance. Please contact the manager if this is of interest to you. Our hourly rate for the 2019/2020 academic year is £6.75.


On Wednesdays we offer a music and movement time, during the morning session to all children in the Frog room. We charge £1 per session for this, which is not covered by the Free Early Education. If you do not wish your child to take part, please let us know and we will make alternative arrangements for them. Unless we hear otherwise we will include these fees on our invoices. 


Holidays and days off because of illness have to be paid for and if you wish to withdraw your child from Holy Trinity Pre-school, a full half term’s notice must be given or a full half term’s fees will be charged, other than in July at the end of the academic year.


No refunds or extra sessions will be given for time missed at Holy Trinity Pre-school due to sickness or holiday.  If for any reason Holy Trinity Pre-school is closed during term time, e.g. bank holidays or severe weather conditions, you will of course not be charged. Dates known in advance will be deducted from the fees due – as shown on your fee letter. Unforeseen closures will be dealt with as a refund for the session(s) in question. If your child is collected 15 minutes or more later than the agreed collection time we reserve the right to charge you for this time (at a rate of £15.00 per 10 minutes or part thereof).


We accept payment with workplace childcare voucher schemes including but not limited to the following companies - please speak to the manager, Sarah Gill, if you would like to enquire if your company scheme is registered with Holy Trinity Pre-School. 

Food and Drink
Children are provided with a drink (water or milk) and fruit halfway through the session at fruit time. However, we ask that you also provide your child with a named drinks container, preferably with a sports top, only containing water. This is so the children have access to water throughout the session. Please do not send your child with extra food or sweets. We do ask that you provide two pieces of fruit per week to be shared with all the children at
snack time. If your child is going to stay for lunch club please provide a
packed lunch with food that your child likes to eat for lunch. Please could we
request that you observe our no-nuts policy to protect those children who
have or may have nut allergies. To celebrate their birthday, children can
bring individually wrapped sweets, either Haribo or small chocolate bars, to
share with their friends.
Term Dates 2019/20

The term dates for the next academic year can be found by clicking on the PDF link.

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Healthy Eating Policy

The healthy eating policy for the Pre-School can be found by clicking on the PDF link.

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